Thursday, May 24, 2007

Do I look Dominican yet??

Well, it is going on my 4th day here. We've done some cool stuff but it's mostly just been relaxing. Tomorrow I'm going to Jarabacoa (where I did my DTS) to visit some friends. That should be fun. We also are going to get some of the best chicken in the world! I CAN'T WAIT.

Did I mention that I like it here? OH! and I also dyed my hair black again. I don't really look so much Dominican but most like someone from Spain or something. However, a couple people did think I was a Dominican when we went into town the other day.

Yeah, so... that's pretty much it. I don't really have anything interesting to say yet. Hopefully I will have some more exciting stories to share soon!


Anonymous said...

Lauren, its good to hear how much you enjoy being back in the Dominican but it's 3:30 a.m. and I just got home from work and I could really use one of your original, homemade, grilled chicken sandwiches right about one makes them like you. Miss you, Dad.

P.S. Looking forward to more updates.

Anonymous said...

I want one of those sandwiches, too.